Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Ed Book, Lonesome, viewed on March 25th 2007

When take look at this image, you are first attracted by the brighter zone. Right? It's because of the effect of negative space which is a black area located in the high half of picture. Moreover, people eyes tend to be caught by the hot colors first. Then, you look through the picture and give more attention to five chairs beside the lake, right? Try to predict the mood of the picture...

For me, this image creates a mood of desolation. Five chairs can present for five people. Usually, they five have the same gender. The use of rhythm here gives the feeling of share and sympathy while they are in the same condition...


The picture would have remained these moods unless something had not occurred. It's hard for you guys to see it if you are seeing the normal size of the pic. Now, click on the image to enlarge it.

The thing that you can not easily see in normal size is something very small in the dark area above main part. See it? Yes, a white dot...

For me, it looks like a star, the unique star in the sky, is shining...

Now, the mood could be changed, at least, for me. When I found the star I looked back to the five chairs and now, I felt that they were looking at the star. The new mood is created here is that: Five people are looking forward to something brighter, something newer,and something...extraordinary for their lives.


P/S: Even the author of this picture had not realized the star before he posted it onto Internet. He thought it was just a fail pixel. The audiences, the other photographers pointed out it.

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